"Supporting our cause is just a click away! You can make a difference by sending your donation directly to our PayPal account. Your generosity fuels our mission and brings positive change to those in need. Alternatively, feel free to reach out to us for any inquiries or assistance. Together, we can create a better tomorrow."
Appointing Vision Citadelle as the beneficiary of a donation, bequest or life insurance means showing great confidence in the action taken by Vision Citadelle, which has been working in Haiti for nearly 20 years. It also signifies his attachment to underprivileged children and their future.
The donation is an act by which you transmit, during your lifetime, movable or immovable property to Vision Citadelle, which receives and accepts it. The donation must be registered by a notary. It is irrevocable.
You can bequeath all or part of your movable or immovable property to Vision Citadelle by will. The bequest is revocable: you just need to write another will which will cancel your previous provisions.
You can take out life insurance with a financial institution (bank, insurer, etc.) and designate Vision Citadelle as the beneficiary of all or part of the funds. This indication can be modified at any time.
To organize your succession as well as possible, it is essential to take advice from your notary. Do not hesitate to contact our accountant, Darnley Gazemar at
514-714-2367 or by DGazemar@yahoo.fr